Join the Alliance of Therapy Dogs
How Do I Become a Therapy Dog Member?
Five Steps to Sharing Smiles & Joy
Background Check
As a Volunteer organization, we care about our program and the quality of the individuals who help us. Effective January 1, 2018, a background check will be required for all prospective members prior to being tested. To begin your background check, click on the link below.
1Background Check
Download &
Complete Paperwork
Download, review and complete your paperwork (download from this page). Then find a volunteer Tester/Observer in your area to test you and your dog for free as soon as the T/O can accommodate you (you can search from this page). The test includes a handling portion which tests your dog’s basic good manners and your handling skills. You’ll need to bring the completed paperwork to the test.
2Download &
Complete Paperwork
Find a Volunteer
After the handling portion of the test, you and your dog must interact with residents or strangers on three supervised visits. Your tester/observer will then sign off on your paperwork (download from this page) to show that you are ready to become a member of ATD.
3Find a Volunteer
Paperwork & Fee
After graduation, send us: (1) the original completed ATD Test, (2) the Member Application, (3) the Release of Claims Form, (4) your dog's proof of vet visit, negative fecal exam, and rabies vaccination, (5) the Rules Review, and (6) a one-time $15 new member fee and your annual fee of $30 that provides you with insurance coverage when you are volunteering with your dog.
4Paperwork & Fee
Start Visits
After ATD accepts you as a member, you and your therapy dog are ready to share smiles & joy! To stay a member in good standing, you'll need to visit at least once every three months.
5Start Visits
Background Check
As a Volunteer organization, we care about our program and the quality of the individuals who help us. Effective January 1, 2018, a background check will be required for all prospective members prior to being tested. To begin your background check, click on the link below.
1Background Check
Download &
Complete PaperworkSTEP 2
Download, review and complete your paperwork (download from this page). Then find a volunteer Tester/Observer in your area to test you and your dog for free as soon as the T/O can accommodate you (you can search from this page). The test includes a handling portion which tests your dog’s basic good manners and your handling skills. You’ll need to bring the completed paperwork to the test.
2Download &
Complete PaperworkPass
Find a Volunteer
Tester/ObserverSTEP 3
After the handling portion of the test, you and your dog must interact with residents or strangers on three supervised visits. Your tester/observer will then sign off on your paperwork (download from this page) to show that you are ready to become a member of ATD.
3Find a Volunteer
Paperwork & Fee
After graduation, send us: (1) the original completed ATD Test, (2) the Member Application, (3) the Release of Claims Form, (4) your dog's proof of vet visit, negative fecal exam, and rabies vaccination, (5) the Rules Review, and (6) a one-time $15 new member fee and your annual fee of $30 that provides you with insurance coverage when you are volunteering with your dog.
4Paperwork & Fee
Start Visits
After ATD accepts you as a member, you and your therapy dog are ready to share smiles & joy! To stay a member in good standing, you'll need to visit at least once every three months.
5Start Visits
What Makes a Good Therapy Dog?
Sweet, Friendly & Gentle Dogs

Watch Our Test
The Alliance of Therapy Dogs Test
Our video shows exactly how to handle your dog to interact with others. You’ll see a variety of dogs doing the various sections of the test. As you can see, dogs don’t have to be perfect, but they can’t be shy, they can’t jump on others, and they can’t pull on their leash.
Want to Become a Volunteer Tester / Observer?
Would you like to help others experience the satisfaction you feel when you take your dog on a pet therapy visit? If you do, then you have an opportunity to take the concept of “Sharing Smiles and Joy” to new heights by becoming Tester/Observer!
Want to Become a Supporting Member?
Don’t have a dog but still want to become involved with ATD? Become a supporting member! The $20.00 fee per year you pay in support of ATD will entitle you to receive our award-winning bi-annual newsmagazine, a member handbook, and all member communications. Contact us to learn more.