
1 02, 2025

5 Reasons to Become an ATD Supporting Member

2025-01-25T16:32:44+00:00February 1st, 2025|Benefits, Donations, Volunteers|

Being Active in Alliance of Therapy Dogs Without a Dog Most Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) Members begin their membership with a dog by their side. However, this is not always the case and there may come a time when a Member may need to retire their dog. Whether they started as an ATD Member [...]

3 01, 2025

When a facility or event is not working out…

2024-12-29T18:03:07+00:00January 3rd, 2025|Animal Assisted Therapy, Dog Owners, Facilities, Volunteers|

Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) has an exceptional registry of committed, loyal Handlers who follow through on their commitments and ATD applauds each and every one of you. But sometimes a facility or an event falls short in some way, making our visits difficult. What to do? Start with a conversation with your contact person. [...]

3 01, 2025

5 Steps to a Successful Therapy Dog Visit

2024-12-29T18:02:22+00:00January 3rd, 2025|Animal Assisted Therapy, Therapy Dogs, Volunteers|

A Successful Therapy Dog Visit Starts with You!  Therapy dog visits can be a great way to brighten someone’s day. The magical effect dogs have on humans is undeniable, but we cannot forget about the other end of the leash. The handler is a big part of a successful therapy dog visit. In order for [...]

8 11, 2024

Facility Spotlight: Military Base, USA

2024-11-08T21:25:20+00:00November 8th, 2024|Animal Assisted Therapy, Facilities, Volunteers|

Why did you want to bring therapy dogs into your facility?   This training command is a service member's first stop after boot camp, so they are often missing home and working to adjust to this new lifestyle. With the high stress environment they are in, one of our goals is to provide our service members [...]

1 08, 2024

How To Volunteer In Retirement With Your Dog

2024-08-01T20:26:46+00:00August 1st, 2024|Certification with ATD, Volunteers|

Volunteer In Retirement When you retire, the world seems full of possibilities. You can spend more time with family, travel the world, and even volunteer in retirement. Volunteering can be a way to help you connect with your community and help discover your life’s purpose - which yes, you can still do at an older [...]

12 06, 2024

Advocate For Your Dog On Therapy Dog Visits

2024-06-12T21:04:05+00:00June 12th, 2024|Certification with ATD, Volunteers|

How To Advocate For Your Dog As therapy dog handlers, our canine team members play an essential role in sharing smiles and joy. Though amongst the comfort and support therapy dogs provide, it’s important to focus on their safety as well. Follow our strategies to advocate for your dog to help create a safe and [...]

18 04, 2024

How to Deliver Bad News as an ATD Volunteer

2024-04-18T14:28:40+00:00April 18th, 2024|Volunteers|

It is never easy to deliver bad news. As ATD Members, it’s complicated by the fact that we are all volunteers, and we, at the heart of it all, just want to do nice things for people.  But sometimes we encounter a team, or a potential team, who is not the best fit for Alliance [...]

7 04, 2024

Therapy Dog Visits I What To Do If You Need To Retest

2024-07-04T13:35:32+00:00April 7th, 2024|Certification with ATD, Volunteers|

Alliance of Therapy Dogs is an international registry of certified therapy dog teams. Obtaining therapy dog certification involves passing our therapy dog certification process and following our rules and regulations at therapy dog visits. When there has been a lapse in visits, ATD members will need to complete a retest in order to maintain insurance [...]

4 08, 2023

Student Volunteer Work: Junior Handlers

2023-08-04T20:17:00+00:00August 4th, 2023|Volunteers|

Become A Junior Handler: Student Volunteer Work Are you looking to get involved in your community? Do you love dogs? If you answered yes, consider student volunteer work at Alliance of Therapy Dogs. Our Junior Handler program offers twelve to seventeen years old, and their dogs, a chance to strengthen their bond and help share [...]

3 01, 2023

What Makes A Good Therapy Dog? 

2023-01-03T22:39:03+00:00January 3rd, 2023|Therapy Dogs, Volunteers|

What Breeds Are Well Suited To Become Therapy Dogs? A certified therapy dog provides comfort to people other than their handlers or owners. They visit facilities such as hospitals, airports, funeral homes, schools, nursing homes, and other locations with their handlers to brighten the day of those they visit.  Read on to learn about what [...]

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