4 Ways To Celebrate National Dog Day

National Dog Day is right around the corner!

This cherished event is annually celebrated on August 26th. Not only is it a day dedicated to our loyal furry friends but it serves as a reminder of the value dogs have in our lives. From being steadfast companions to providing unconditional love and support, dogs have a special place in our hearts and homes. National Dog Day is also a time to address important issues such as animal cruelty and overpopulation.

Are you looking for ways to celebrate National Dog Day? Read on for ideas to spoil your pooch on this special occasion.

1. Volunteer With Your Dog

Volunteering with your dog can be a wonderful way to celebrate National Dog Day. Sharing your best friend with the world can bring happiness and joy to others who may be going through a rough time or are experiencing stress and anxiety. Volunteering with your pup can make a positive impact on someone’s day. It can even increase the human-animal bond you have with your pet.

At Alliance of Therapy Dogs, we are always welcoming new volunteers! Visit our Become A Member Page to learn how to get your therapy dog certification. Whether it’s visiting patients in the hospital or students on campus, therapy dogs can provide comfort and joy.  If you are not a dog owner but are still interested in volunteering, you can become a supporting ATD member or donate pet items such as blankets or dog food to a local animal shelter in honor of National Dog Day.

2.  Spend Time Outdoors

Soak up some summer sun and take your dog for a long walk. Take a route you haven’t explored before or to a nearby park your dog loves. Take some cues from your dog and stop to sniff the flowers. Spending time outdoors can improve you and your dog’s physical and mental health. 

As a reminder for hot summer days,  bring some water for both you and your dog to keep hydrated.

3. Go Shopping With Your Dog

Celebrate National Dog Day by buying your dog a new toy! Take your dog to the local pet store and let them pick out a toy they’d like. Guide your dog down the aisles and see what they’re interested in. The pet store may even have a sale for this special day! 

4. Extra Quality Time

You don’t have to necessarily spend money on your dog to let them know you love them. Your dog wants to be around you and spending extra quality time with them can benefit both of you. You can play fetch with your dog or teach them a new trick. Physical touch can also be important to some dogs. If your dog is a cuddler, you can turn on your favorite show and get cozy with them on the couch. 

How are you celebrating National Dog Day?  Share Your #NationalDogDay photos with us and tag @allianceoftherapydogs #allianceoftherapydogs If you are making a therapy visit on National Dog Day, be sure to follow all rules and regulations in the photo as well as obtain photo authorization if appropriate!